The first event of the BIO-MATTERS cluster

After the start of their collaboration, more than a year ago, the six Horizon EU projects of the BIO-MATTERS cluster have finally met in person and hold a joint event during the 32nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Marseille, on the 26th of June 2024.

The Speakers described the value proposition of their projects, the challenges encountered and the way ahead towards the finalization of the activities.

The event was concluded by the guest intervention of Dr. Silvia Maltagliati, from the European Commission (DG RTD), who described the ongoing policy framework regarding the Europan bioeconomy and the support to R&D. Based on the results so far presented, she encouraged the six projects to participate in the Public Consultation that the EU will promote in 2025.

This consultation will help the Commission to gather valuable inputs and experiences from the field, thus feeding the next EU-level Policies and funding choices. Below you can download the presentations showed during the event.

NewWave, Vital, Waste2Biocomp, GreenLoop, Biouptake, Ambiance

The six BIO-MATTERS project were funded under the call HORIZON-CL4-2021-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-05 – Manufacturing technologies for bio-based materials (Made in Europe Partnership).